Plutonic Rainbows

Plutonic Rainbows

Monica Bellucci

This photograph, taken in the mid-1990s, features the famous Italian fashion model.

Civilistjävel! Följd

Beautifully elusive ghost dubs from Civilistjävel! burst forth with a compelling new LP that arcs from Pole-inspired vapors to crystalline ambient textures, culminating in a closing track featuring cult chamber pop artist Thomas Bush — all new from Fergus Jones’ burgeoning FELT label. Following the success of ‘Brödföda’ (2024) and Jones’ solo debut for Numbers, the seven-part suite ‘Följd’ reliably guides devoted listeners into intimate, imaginary synth landscapes that evoke an uncanny isolationist pastoralism and reflective introspection, echoing traditions from Cluster to Enno Velthuys, Ø, and more obscure Swedish synth influences.

In addition to a farewell piece featuring collaborative vocals by Thomas Bush, the album spotlights Tomas Bodén’s rapid, improvisational synth play. His approach gently navigates a realm of softly expansive, aerated analog textures and spongy sub-bass frequencies, crafting what is now recognized as a distinctive signature sound. From the opening strokes to Bush’s quietly yearning vocals, Civilistjävel!’s subdued yet melodious instrumental lyricism guides listeners through moments reminiscent of Mika Vainio’s classic ‘Kantamoinen,’ unfolding with frosted-pane synth gazes, a breathtaking 10-minute centerpiece of melting drum machines and synth wooze, perfectly measured dubbed acid in ‘XVII,’ and an iridescent, blissful escape in ‘XVIII.’


I have, for many years admired this company for their advertising artwork. Here is a fantastic example from 1990.


I optimised performance by deferring render-blocking resources and streamlining my external connections. I added the defer attribute to my jQuery and Lightbox2 script tags so they load in the background without delaying the initial page render. I also improved connection times by adding preconnect links for my external resources from and Additionally, I modified the Lightbox2 stylesheet link using a media attribute trick to ensure it doesn’t block rendering. This should improve load times while maintaining functionality.

Design Tweaks

In recent weeks, I’ve refined the design aesthetics of this blog, focusing primarily on the background and link colors. Additionally, I’ve added Lightbox functionality. Since the Lightbox resources are served via a CDN, the overhead is minimal.

CloudFront speeds up image retrieval by caching images at multiple edge locations around the world. When a user requests an image, CloudFront delivers it from the nearest edge location instead of fetching it from your origin (like your S3 bucket), which might be far away. This significantly reduces latency and load times. Additionally, CloudFront optimizes network routing and supports features like compression and smart caching policies to ensure that content is delivered as efficiently as possible.