Plutonic Rainbows

Gift from Berlin

Received some lovely @spacy_io stickers from the very generous Ines Montani, who works on AI, Machine Learning and NLP. Thanks so much. You can follow her at @_inesmontani.

Creating and Amending Lists

A quick example that loops through a predefined list of colours and creates an additional empty list to which a ranger of numbers are added and then printed out.

colors = ['red','blue','green']

assets = []

for colors in colors:
    print "The colours are: %s" % colors

    for n in range(1, 10):

for n in assets:
    print "The number is now: %d" % n

Boolean Rules

One thing I need to learn before I go further with Python is to thoroughly learn the logic rules. Sure, you can just learn the concepts but being able to write actual code will mean memorising these rules.

  • not False = True
  • not True = False

  • True or False = True

  • True or True = True
  • False or True = True
  • False or False = False

  • True and False = False

  • True and True = True
  • False and True = False
  • False and False = False

  • not (True or False) = False

  • not (True or True) = False
  • not (False or True) = False
  • not (False or False) = True

  • not (True and False) = True

  • not (True and True) = False
  • not (False and True) = True
  • not (False and False) = True

  • 1 != 0 True

  • 1 != 1 False
  • 0 != 1 True
  • 0 != 0 False

  • 1 == 0 False

  • 1 == 1 True
  • 0 == 1 False
  • 0 == 0 True

Blockchain Hype

This happens with anything fairly new in the industry. Currently, Blockchain technologies are the magic fairy-dust that will solve all of the security problems, as well as validating everything from photos to news feeds.

Ersin Akinci writing for Medium:

So then why are there so many blockchain startups appearing? Two words: hype and monetization. The hype around blockchains makes fundraising easier if you’ve got one.

Back Again

Moved back to Panic's Transmit after a week or so with Sublime Text. It's too quirky and the workflow is odd. Sometimes more expensive is better.