Plutonic Rainbows

Plutonic Rainbows

Peter Blatty - Dimiter

Finally got around to ordering this book. It was released back in 2010 with exceptionally good reviews. Publishers Weekly awarded Dimiter a starred review, calling it "a beautifully written, haunting tale of vengeance, spiritual searching, loss, and love".

Two Sides

The corona virus pandemic brings out the devastating inequalities in British life. You have people forced to used food banks because they cannot get government aid after losing their jobs; you also have the rich talking of the utter misery of not being able to play golf for six weeks.

Nothing But Flowers

Which is worse?

Wishful thinking?

Or wishing, with hindsight, that you had been more careful what you wished for?


FSOL - A Controlled Vista

This is a surprisingly good album, harking back to those incredible broadcasts they use to do back in the day. It has all the copyright watermarks etc to give it a real archive feel.

While there are quite a few new pieces int this continuous forty-nine minute piece, they cleverly sprinkle in lots of old early 90s samples that had me misting up.

Great stuff.



New Skam release.

Got a copy today. Very solid release which will please Skam fans everywhere. I think I'll be playing this quite a bit.

It's slightly surreal working on stuff while a BBC News Feed plays on one of the office monitors. And I'm listening to 'The Fear Ratio' whose latest album is called 'They Can't Be Saved'.