Plutonic Rainbows

The Quietus reviews Lame Impala

Cal Cashin:

It took Kevin Parker five years of reclusive writing before The Slow Rush was ready for human consumption. His group Tame Impala started off at the dawn of the 2010s as a charming psych-revival curiosity, but second and third albums Lonerism and Currents saw the group slowly mutate into something far bigger; an escapist pop act capable of headlining festivals.

Notoriously, Parker is one of these musicians that spends literal years labouring over fine details to ensure everything is the best it can be. He rigorously considers every single drum sound, piano loop, and vocal texture, and pours unimaginable quantities of energy into the signature Tame Impala sound. Parker is clearly a talented producer, and has shown in the past that his musical graft often reaps satisfying melodies. It is this perfectionism that defines 2015’s smooth-but-insubstantial Currents, and new LP The Slow Rush is certainly cut from the same cloth.

So that begs the question; if Parker is such a perfectionist, how come all of his songs are fucking terrible?

Tame Impala frustrate throughout The Slow Rush. Whilst Parker’s talents as a producer certainly flicker throughout, his limitations as a songwriter prevent any songs on the record from really catching light at any point. The Slow Rush is background music, it’s supposed to bring good vibes but it dims every room that it is played in.

New Stuff

Picked a new album from Sign Libra - channelling that mid-80s Laurie Anderson vibe. Also some dark ambience from Radere. These two albums are really polar opposites. Also managed to get a nice discount on the new Tom Ford Beau De Jour - a clean, lavender fragrance that will be great in the coming months. I'm about halfway through the new William Gibson novel, Agency but I haven't (so far) found it particularly engaging compared to The Peripheral.

Battery Update

I've been using some Bluetooth peripherals lately which has meant I've been charging my phone two or three times a week. Consequently, Peak Performance has now dropped to 95%. I suppose that's still pretty good for sixteen months. Also, I need to keep the following in mind:

  • Apple claims a 20% for 500 cycles.
  • Assuming I charge about 50 cycles in 60 days (two months).
  • That's roughly a 2% loss for 2 months usage.

I'm nowhere near that so I think the battery is still doing fine.

TikTok and the coming of infinite media

Nick @ Rough Type:

If Instagram showed us what a world without art looks like, TikTok shows us what a world without shame looks like. The old virtues of restraint — modesty, discretion, taste — are gone. There is only one virtue: to be seen. The future has arrived, but you don’t get fifteen minutes of fame. You get fifteen seconds.

Full Article

A New Year

Happy new year to everyone. Lots of new books and music are due this year.